Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Tis the Season to be Merry ....

Hi blog readers,

Christmas is synonymous with sharing. And giving. When we share, we spread our love. So Christmas is also about love, and when we love, we care. We have been so accustomed to this gift giving in our culture, and it is only normal for us in ESSB to include this in our last quarter staff gathering. 

Yes, we have our infamous Year End Sale in Malaysia. In ESSB, YESS we have our Year End Suka-Suka (fun). We played Secret Santa, where a staff picked a name of his / her colleagues (who became the Angel), and the staff became the angel's Secret Santa. So basically every staff is an Angel, and at the same time is a Secret Santa too. This picking of names was held about a month earlier.

The Angel will write a message to the Santa asking for what he / she wishes for, and the Secret Santa shall grant. The messages from all the Angels were written in a star-shaped cards and hung it on the wishing tree. One side of the card revealed the wishes for mankind (or the Company), and the other side of the card says what the Angel wish for.

On 20th December,we had our last quarter staff gathering. We also celebrated the birthday babies of those in October, November and December. Refreshments were served, games were played. We have pizzas, cocktail sausages, spaghetti, fried chicken, salads, among others. But the Angels were more excited to know who were their Santas, so there were still some food left that afternoon. 

After the birthday do, we ate and then we have the gift exchange. The Santa, who already wrote the name of his / her Angel with a hint of who's who, the angels then need to identify who is his / her Santa. And the guessing game goes on and on until all Santas' beards were removed, and all Angels smiled. 

The best part of this activity was with the lil' hint given by the Santa, most of the Angels were able to identify their respective Santas. This showed how precious is the bond amongst us in ESSB. And another best part was, we heard, most of the Angels wishes were granted ! Kudos to all Santas. The saying says, 'ask, and you shall receive' is so meaningful in this activity. We thought asking for an electrical toothbrush was some kind of a feat, but the angel got his wish came true. And his teeth is sparkling now .... !! 

An appreciation was also recorded to our IT team who will be 'out from the team' to venture into something more lucrative. We will outsourced our IT needs to them and they can also focus on their new businesses in Cyberjaya. Eugine gave his thanks to us all, and we sent our blessing to him and his team.

Yes, we had fun. It is the ending  of another season, and a brand new beginning at the horizon. Yes, change is inevitable in ESSB, and change is the only thing constant. We hope Elabramers will embrace the changes for our sustainability. We take this opportunity to wish everyone a peaceful and progressing 2014 ! 

Here are the pictures of hope, joy and love ...... 

 ESSB Wishing Tree
                                   The presents

 The lil' bears for the birthdays babies self-made by the HR team.

                                      The Yummies .....

                         Red was the color of the Season

 The birthday babies creating their magical pot 

 Rub the pot belly and make a wish .....

                                    Many happy returns ahead ......

The babies and the bears ....
 They can't wait for the presents

 Here we go, the Angels calling out their Santas

 Eugine Yaw, our Head of IT, giving his parting words.

Until next time, keep the positive vibes circling ........