Sunday, 24 November 2013

Extending our Emotion to Haiyan Victims @ Philippines

A note arrived via email from our ESI Marketing Manager, Grace. She told us the plight of those affected by the super-typhoon. At the same time, we saw daily on the Internet and TV the surreal graphics of the people and places that were stormed by the typhoon. What we watched in movies are now real, and it can happen to us or our loved ones. We in ESSB felt her emotion, and we readily extended our help as a Malaysian.

So instead of just passing the till bucket around, HR thought, we can do better than this. This is because, we have an extended family there, and maybe, some of our fellow colleagues in ESI are affected by this act-of-god. And we want our staff members to remember such tragedy, and that their donations matter. 

HR organized some lil' activities by selling fruits, breakfast and candies spread over 3 days. And voila, we collected a total of RM800/ which is about eleven thousand pesos. It's a significant amount for a premises of about 30 people.

Being Malaysian, we are well-known for our generosity. It is just our natural intrinsic value in us. We should be proud of ourselves. We are blessed that this beloved country is a haven - safe from major natural disaster. Yes we did have some disasters in the country but they were inflicted by some irresponsible people.They were man-made disasters.

Please continue to be a good Malaysian and do not take things for granted. ESSB as a community CAN, and we believe this vibe is contagious. We hope this lil' donation can make a change - can give a smile to a child, lift the spirit of a mother and give hope to a man. So, let's pray for world peace. 

Here are some pictures from our heart and all the way to the Philippines. May God bless all of them and hope they will recover from this aftermath soon.

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